Afton Glen News

Annual Meeting Highlights

The 2024 annual homeowners meeting was held at St. Raymond's meeting hall on Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025, at 6 p.m. The principal items of business were the following:

New Guidelines
for Driveways

If you are planning to redo your driveway in the near future, be aware of a recently revised rule in the ARB Guidelines. 

The previous guidance had stated that driveways "may consist of asphalt, concrete, or pavers" and that "the driveway color must be dark gray or black." The new wording clarifies that a wider range of color options are permitted, but all changes to an existing driveway —  whether in size, material, or color — still require you to submit a request for ARB approval

The revised rule states:

Driveways may consist of asphalt, concrete, or pavers. Black asphalt and natural color concrete are permitted. In all other cases, the driveway color must complement the existing house exterior color scheme and preserve the overall neighborhood aesthetic character. Homeowners must maintain driveways in good repair and neat appearance, such as repairing cracks, removing unsightly stains, and removing intrusive grass and weeds.

When choosing a surface material for your driveway, consider carefully the comparative pros and cons of the options, aside from their varying appearance. There are notable differences to balance, in terms of cost of future maintenance; tire traction and walkability in inclement weather; durability and expected life of service; and ease of cleaning, stain removal, sweeping, or snow removal.  

The most recent version of the complete Guidelines (December 2023) contains this revision and can be viewed or downloaded by clicking on this link.

Quarterly Board Meetings 

The Board meets quarterly on the third Wednesday of January, April, July, and October. Meetings generally begin at 8 p.m. A reminder notice identifying the location for each meeting appears several days beforehand on the neighborhood gazebo.

All Afton Glen residents are welcome to attend Board meetings. Contact us (see the Who to Call page) if you want to add an issue to the discussion agenda.

Minutes of the regular meetings are not posted publicly but can viewed by any neighborhood homeowner upon request to the Board. Before release the minutes may be redacted to remove sensitive executive session information and protect the privacy of homeowners' legal or financial data.


Annual Afton Glen Cleanup: Generally each year in May or June. This year the cleanup will take place Saturday May 6 (not May 5, as incorrectly stated in our February 2023 newsletter). The cleanup focuses on the common areas by trimming back bushes, picking up litter, and making the paths safe for our residents. Meet up at the beginning of the path to the tot lot on Green Garland Drive. Bring your gloves and plastic bags. If you have cordless equipment such as leaf-blowers and tree trimmers, we could use it. 

Afton Glen Yard Sale: Generally each year in June. The Afton Glen Homeowners Association will advertise the event for the community.

Afton Glen Newsletters 

Click on the links below to read previous issues of our neighborhood newsletter in PDF format. (Right-click on a link to download the file.)

If you would like to receive neighborhood newsletters via e-mail when they are published, please contact and we will put you on the mailing list. 

February 2023

November 2022

February 2022

February 2021

March 2018

September 2017

March 2017

March 2016

March 2014

September 2013

March 2013

August 2012

March 2012

August 2011

March 2011

April 2010

Fall 2009

Spring 2009 #2

Spring 2009

Fall 2008

Spring 2008

Fall 2007
Attachment: ARB Inspection Checklist

Spring 2007

Winter 2006

This page last updated: 01/25/2025