Neighborhood and Real Estate Data

Information type



Property ownership and tax records

Fairfax County Department of Tax Administration, Real Estate Assessment Information Site

Property ownership, assessed values, physical characteristics, and lot maps extracted from the official assessment records for all residential and commercial properties in Fairfax County. Assessed values are as of January 1 for the years provided. Search by address or tax map reference number. Virginia state law establishes these records as public information and specifically authorizes display of this information on the Internet.

Tip: Searching just for a street name without a specific address will produce a list of all properties on that street.

Click here to see a map of the Afton Glen subdivision.

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County place names VA HomeTownLocator Lists of county cities, towns, census designated places, neighborhoods, subdivisions, settlements
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Reports of police incidents CrimeReports mapping Internet mapping and information reporting application showing police incidents. Searchable by street address, filterable by Date, day, time, incident type.

This page last updated: 09/30/2020